360 Films Classics

By Michael Wood

Notwithstanding the British movie Institute undertaking of publishing its movie Classics sequence started within the early Nineteen Nineties, the BFI didn't show the entire record of the 360 movies slated for monographs till 1998, within the kind of this ebook connected to at least one of the problems of Sight and Sound. The venture all started as a renovation attempt to create 360 "show" prints for the BFI theater, with accompanying monographs. quickly the books accelerated to the fashionable Classics sequence, in distinguishing black themed covers, whereas continuing the "360" on the fee of approximately 15 a yr. This ebook additionally comprises an essay by means of Michael wooden at the movies and the method.

This isn't the world's top experiment (you can see a part of the scanner's hand from time to time), however it is a readable reproduction of this hard-to-find booklet till a qualified experiment comes alongside.

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