Friedrich Schleiermacher: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism (Cambridge Studies in Religion & Critical Thought)

By Richard Crouter

Friedrich Schleiermacher's groundbreaking paintings in theology and philosophy was once solid within the cultural ferment of Berlin on the convergence of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. the 3 sections of this e-book comprise illuminating sketches of Schleiermacher's dating to contemporaries, his paintings as a public theologian, in addition to the formation and influence of his most famed books, On faith and The Christian religion. Richard Crouter's essays research the theologian's stance concerning the prestige of doctrine, church and political authority, and where of theology one of the educational disciplines.

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On the finish of a piece within which he criticizes the intuitional philosophy of F. H. Jacobi, Hegel expresses challenge approximately Schleiermacher’s reliance on instinct and the distinctiveness of the subjectknower who has those intuitions. eight He safely sees that On faith argues for a full-blown non secular character that embodies person genius, expertise, artistry, and a dialectical mode of aesthetic and spiritual creativity. His easy element is that Schleiermacher’s inspiration of faith is 7 G. W. F. Hegel, the variation among Fichte’s and Schelling’s method of Philosophy, tr. H. S. Harris and W. Cerf (Albany: country college of latest York Press, 1977), eighty three. eight G. W. F. Hegel, religion and information, tr. H. S. Harris and W. Cerf (Albany: country collage of recent York Press, 1977). seventy six friedrich schleiermacher rooted in a subjective adventure that's at risk of by no means reaching an sufficient goal embodiment. If the analogy with the humanities is taken heavily, and Hegel does understand that Schleiermacher ability it to be taken heavily, we're in a scenario during which “art is meant to be ceaselessly with out artworks; and the liberty of the top instinct is meant to consist in singularity and the ownership of non-public originality. ” by way of urgent the creative analogy Hegel hopes to teach that Schleiermacher’s synthesis is inherently risky. The non secular person as artist has his personal soul, yet no take place murals. but the area of tradition calls for not only souls yet artistic endeavors as their objectification. the relationship with nature and the universe turns out tenuous if no enough public embodiment of personal religiosity exists. Hegel it sounds as if reads the fourth speech as positing non secular groups as passive entities that require the energetic virtuosity of a preacher or poet for his or her sustenance and idea. Hegel’s interpretation of On faith is believable and has a few foundation within the textual content. but it overlooks the an important aspect, that Schleiermacher actually considers the sermon because the embodiment of a Christian paintings shape. a superb sermon, for him, is itself a non secular murals and, opposed to Hegel, it happens in a publicly take place church as a worshipping group. For all of Schleiermacher’s individualism in On faith, the social and communal dimensions are valuable hyperlinks among the second one and 5th speeches. Hegel’s cost of an unwarranted subjectivism displays a unique view of ways spiritual group pertains to politics. For Schleiermacher, the church as precise spiritual group has its personal cause of lifestyles as an establishment of human redemption that, as a question of precept, is self sustaining from the country. nine Schleiermacher was once later usually at odds with the tested church of Prussia in addition to with Hegel (and his theological colleagues) on simply this aspect. against this, Hegel emphasised the general public position of faith within the context of the educative and ethical lifetime of the kingdom. In Hegel’s preliminary reception of On faith we will be able to glimpse degrees of feedback that later turned extra suggested.

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