Indian Castles 1206?1526: The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate (Fortress)

From the start of the second millennium advert northern India started to fall less than the sway of a couple of Muslim-Turkic rulers who, in the beginning of the thirteenth century, based the sequence of dynasties recognized to heritage because the Delhi Sultanate. for 3 centuries those sultans multiplied their territory, which ended in a dramatic upward thrust within the variety of fortifications in the course of the subcontinent. this era is the defining age of the Indian fort and the mixed effect of the Islamic and Hindu architectural culture lends those fortifications a special type. This ebook covers all of the significant websites of the interval together with the fabled seven medieval towns at the web site of the present-day urban of Delhi.

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Surunga (surunga) [San] an underground passage, undermining. talus [Eur] a sloped widening alongside the reduce a part of a wall or tower tuk fortified advanced of Jain temples vana-durga [San] lit. ‘arboreal citadel’ varksha-durga (varksha-durga) [San] see vrikshya-durga vrikshya-durga (vrkshya-durga) [San] lit. ‘wood castle’; see vana-durga . zenana women’s flats in a palace textual content (KK) sixty three task No: E06-87297 identify: For fifty one #175 DTP:48 Page:63 001-064_87297. qxd 6/5/06 3:49 PM web page sixty four Index Figures in daring seek advice from illustrations. nutrition and water garage forty three, forty three forts and fortresses, use of phrases eight Adilabad castle five, sixteen, 30, 31, fifty five Akbar, Mughal Emperor 37, forty nine Akhan Lohana forty five Ala-ud-din Khalji, Sultan of Delhi four, forty four, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty five Alexander the nice forty-one Andheri Pol (gate), Ranthambhor fort 20, 22 archaeological continues to be 51–60 Arthashastra,The 14 artillery forty four, forty seven galleries sixteen, 31 Ganesh Gate, Gwalior fortress 23 Ganesh Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 37, forty gasoline as a defence 21–2 gates 18–25, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 36 see additionally doorways ornament of thirteen, 39, forty Gaur fifty six Ghiyath-ud-din Tughluq 29, forty two fortified tomb of 30, 31–2, 32 Gingee 20, fifty six, fifty nine thesaurus 62–3 Golconda castle 12, thirteen, 19–20, 25, 27, 28, forty-one, 56–7, fifty seven, fifty nine, 60 Greek affects forty-one guardrooms 21, 31, 39, forty three Gujarat forty seven Gujarat, Sultan of forty, forty nine Gulbarga fort forty-one, fifty seven Gumbad Gate, Bidar 36, 37 Gwalior fortress four, five, eight, 10, eleven, 14, 18, 20, 23, forty two, fifty seven, fifty eight Babur of Fergana five Bahmani nation four Bahmanids 29 Bala Hisar Gate, Golconda fort thirteen, 19–20, 21, 25, 27, forty-one, 60 Banashala fortress forty seven Banbeer wall, Chittorgarh forty, forty barbicans 19, 20, 21, 25, 31, 33, 36 bastions sixteen Bengal four berms 15 Bhairon Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 37, 39 Bhikshu forty seven Bhoja forty five Bidar thirteen, 14, 15, sixteen, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 28, 29, 32, 32–36, 33, 34–35, 37, forty-one, fifty one, fifty two blockades forty five Brahamabad forty seven bridges 24 cannon 32, 33, forty four, fifty one castle(s) layout 14–28 interiors 41–43 varieties 8–9, 11–12 use of time period eight Chittorgarh eight, 12, thirteen, sixteen, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 37–40, 38, 39, forty two, forty three, forty four, 47–9, forty eight, 50, fifty two, fifty two chronology of occasions 7 citadels forty-one, forty five, fifty five building equipment 12–13 crenels 24–5, 36 Crusader impacts forty-one Cuttak fifty three Dabhoi fifty three Daulatabad five, 20, 21, 21, 22, fifty three, fifty nine Deccan four, five, 29, forty seven Delhi four, five, forty-one, fifty three, fifty four, 55–56 Delhi Gate, Bidar 37 Delhi Sultanate four, five, 6, 29 Dinpanah fifty six ditches and moats 14–15, 33, 36 donjons forty-one doorways 22, 23, 23, 26, 27, 31, forty four see additionally gates elephants, spiked defences opposed to 23, 23, 26, 27, forty four sixty four Fateh Gate, Bidar 20 firearms fifty one Firuzabad fifty one, fifty five, fifty six, fifty six textual content (KK) Hammir Mahal forty nine Hanuman Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 37 Hathi Gate fifty eight Hindola Gate five Hindu structure five, thirteen, 29, 37, 39 Ibrahim Lodi five immolation (jauhar) 48–49 India, visits to fifty two Jahanpanh fifty one, fifty five Jalal-ud-din Khalji forty four jauhar (immolation) 48–49 Jayasimha forty seven Joria Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 12, 39 Khalji dynasty four Khizer Khan forty nine Kumbhalgarth 18, 18, 19, 27, 28, fifty seven Lakshman Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 39 Lal Kot citadel fifty three, fifty five toilets forty-one Lodis dynasty five loopholes 19, 24, 25, 26, 27–28, 31, 31, 36, 37, 39, forty machicolations 19, 26, 27, 28, 33, 36 Madurai fifty eight Mahmud Gawan 44–5 Mahmud of Ghazni four, forty four Malik Kafur forty four guy Mandir Palace forty two, forty two, fifty eight Mandu fifty eight Mandu Gate, Bidar 21, 36 merlons 24, 24–5, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 39, forty moats and ditches 14–15, 33, 36 Mongol Empire five mosques forty-one Mughal (Mongol) Empire five Muhammad bin Tughluq four, five, 31, 32, forty four Muhammad Kasim forty five, forty seven Muhammad of Ghur four, forty five Muhammadabad see Adilabad citadel Muslim structure five, 12, thirteen, 17, 25, 29, 36, 37, 39, forty-one Padal Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 37, 39 palaces forty, 41–2, forty two, forty nine, fifty eight Panhala fifty eight Panipat, conflict of five parapets 24–5, 27, 28, 31, 32, 36 Parenda fifty eight projectile war forty four, forty seven Purandhar fifty eight Qila Rai Pithora citadel, Delhi eleven, 12, fifty one, fifty five Qutb Minar,Victory Tower, Chittorgarh fifty two, fifty five Qutb Minar complicated four Qutb-ud-din Aibak four Rai Chach forty five Raichur 58–9 Rajasthan 29, 37, forty seven Rajput kingdoms four, 29, forty eight Ram Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 39, forty Rana Kumbha Palace, Chittorgarh forty, forty nine Rana Rattan Singh forty seven, forty eight, forty nine Rani Mahal forty nine Rani Padmini forty seven, forty eight Ranthambhor fortress eight, nine, nine, 19, 20, 22, forty four, forty six, forty seven, forty nine, fifty one, fifty nine purple citadel at Agra eight crimson citadel at Delhi eight Sarhind fort forty five Sayyids dynasty five shaka (last struggle) forty nine Sharza Gate, Bidar 33, 36 Shivner fifty nine siege conflict 44–5 Sirahshila (Kashmir) forty five Siri sixteen, 17, 18, 25, fifty one, fifty five Siwana forty four Suraj Pol (gate), Chittorgarh 39 taluses 17–18, 18, 19 Tarain, conflict of forty five temples forty-one Thanjavur fifty nine Timur four tombs 41–42 Toral Pol (gate), Ranthambhor fortress 20 Tower of Victory, Chittorgarh fifty two, fifty five towers 16–18, 31, 33, 36, 37 Triple Gate, Bidar 27, 28, 32, 33, 36, 36, 37 Tughluq dynasty four Tughluqabad castle five, sixteen, 17, 18, 18, 19, 25, 27, 29, 29, 29–32, 30, 31, forty-one, fifty one Urwahi Gate four Victory Tower, Chittorgarh fifty two, fifty five Vijayanagar 60 Vijayanagar Empire four Vishvakarma sixteen wall-walks sixteen, 18, 24, 27, 31 partitions 15–16 Warangal 20, 21, 60 Warangal crusade forty four water and nutrition garage forty three, forty three task No: E06-87297 identify: For fifty one #175 DTP:48 Page:64 Cover united kingdom US/IFC IBC_87297.

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