Tigers in Combat II

By Wolfgang Schneider

During this follow-up to Tigers in strive against I (0811731715), Wolfgang Schneider turns his consciousness to the Tiger tanks of the Waffen-SS and the Wehrmacht's named devices, resembling the Gro_deutschland department, corporation Hummel, and Tiger crew Meyer.
Based on real wrestle diaries, the textual content presents the background of every unit, outlining power, gear, commanders, and engagements.
But the guts of the publication is the loads of images, a lot of them infrequent, that express those tanks and their crews in motion and at rest.
Supplementing those are complex colour drawings that carry the Tigers to lifestyles and focus on markings, camouflage, and insignia.
The publication deals a gorgeous and precise examine the Tiger.

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10. ~ B01 - .! ~~-~~i B11 ",00 ~~;,! -. t ~~ 812 "~~~! 813 cd ~"~~. 823 . "H~l B31 eleven. ~ I ~U_ ~j}' <'O-C~{' '''~-~''-~-l. J . ~~~. ",. ~ . . ....... ~ '. ,. 832 ....... ". . ~. : ,:"t-.. 834 B33 ~~j}1 ~~~~; C01 C02 "~~~1tJ; C11 ~==~c C?? "0 -~~~~ •. C?? ~. ,~! C?? ;r ~:~) C?? m. /Panzer-Regiment "GrofJdeutschland" (schwere Panzer-Abteilung "GrofJdeutschland") sixty seven 111. / Panzerregiment "GroBdeutschland" - early Sept. 1943 (\ ~ . ,.. \:::l '"----~~~. ~J; . ' ... ~ m)~ 501 o=-~, ~~r . __ ~ N[. ,&·tif nine. A01 ~ . (::::. a... . ~;. . ~-:;. ;;iJ' ", ~o. ~~~-:=:r ~,:{·)~{,:15t~·iK':1Jl' A13 A11 .... ~"''! WfI. __, ~ A21 A22 . ~ ... ~. '-=~J! A23 ~'~~f ~ ..... ~ A14 -~...... . ~;'. ''';''F~)~::;;} A24 ~:":<<{? *£j A34 A31 10. :_. ,~ '--~~~~; 801 ~. ::~;fi -~""-' ~. ~~! i&Ji 811 822 . . :~ 814 813 ~.. t. ,~_a __• J~) ~:{~',,{:,(I/,iJ ~~~;::. ~~Lf 823 824 '... :JL1;n ';;'X. ,#:fj' T! q({~2:~·Y:~~)&)E~fj' (23 (21 f}:' '"-~~ (33 L-l IE, ~:1EE! li (34 Schwere Panzer-Ko11lpanie "Hum11lel" In earlyJuly 1944, an alert unit is confirmed by means of army District VI in Paderborn, that is named after the corporate commander, Oberleutnant Hummel. The unit is supplied with fourteen Tiger I tanks out of the stock of Panzer-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Abteilung 500. a number of the body of workers come from the two. /schwere Panzer-Abteilung 504. 18 September 1944: Alert on the Senne education region and entrainment at the following day. 19 September 1944: Detrainment in Bocholt. Eighty-kilometer street march in the direction of Arnhem; attachment to the ten. SS-Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen. " All tanks other than holiday down at the manner. assault with those Tigers (Leutnant Knaack and Feldwebel Barnecki) at the comparable night; either are immobilized through PlAT fireplace. (The PlAT-Projectile, infantry; anti-tank-was the British model of the U.S. bazooka. ) 24 September 1944: Skirmishes as a part of Kampfgruppe Spindler east of Arnhem. a number of tanks crash via bridges within the Oosterbeck area. 25 September 1944: assault on Arnhem from the east. overdue September 1944: Delaying activities in Holland: Doetinchem, Elst, Valburg, Lienden, Ghent, Ede, Utrecht, S'Hertogenbosch and Enspijk). Early November 1944: Engagements close to Aachen. 19 November 1944: Tigers aid components of the 15. Panzer-Grenadier-Division close to Tripsrath. One Tiger is knocked out via an antitank gun. 20 November 1944: Hauptmann Hummel is killed close to Lindern; Leutnant Flohr turns into the performing commander. 18 December 1944: Consolidated with schwere Panzer-Abteilung 506, the place it bec;:omes the 4th corporation (See additionally, Tigers in wrestle 1).

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